

chSmsSender is a library which helps you send SMS through your web applications. It provides an abstraction layer for sms manipulations. The library is splitted in two parts: HttpAdapter and Provider and is really extensible.

Build Status


HttpAdapters are responsible to get data from remote APIs.

Currently, there are the following adapters:

  • BuzzHttpAdapter for Buzz, a lightweight PHP 5.3 library for issuing HTTP requests;
  • CurlHttpAdapter for cURL;


Providers contain the logic to extract useful information.

Currently, there is only one provider:


If you don’t use a ClassLoader in your application, just require the provided autoloader:


require_once 'src/autoload.php';

You’re done.


First, you need an adapter to query an API:


$adapter  = new \chSmsSender\HttpAdapter\BuzzHttpAdapter();

The BuzzHttpAdapter is tweakable, actually you can pass a Browser object to this adapter:


$buzz    = new \Buzz\Browser(new \Buzz\Client\Curl());
$adapter = new \chSmsSender\HttpAdapter\BuzzHttpAdapter($buzz);

Now, you have to choose your provider.

You can use one of the builtin providers or write your own. You can also register all providers and decide later. That’s we’ll do:


$sender = new \chSmsSender\chSmsSender();
    new \chSmsSender\Provider\EsendexProvider(
        $adapter, '<ESENDEX_USER>', '<ESENDEX_PASS>', '<ESENDEX_ACCOUNT>'
    new \chSmsSender\Provider\OtherProvider($adapter)

Everything is ok, enjoy!


The main method is called send() which receives a phone number, a message and the name of the originator.


$result = $sender->send('0642424242', 'It\'s the answer.', 'Kévin');
// Result is:
// "id"       => string(7) "some Id"
// "sent"     => bool "true"

The send() method returns a Sms result object with the following API, this object also implements the ArrayAccess interface:

  • getId() will return the id;
  • isSent() boolean indicating if the sms was sent;

The chSmsSender’s API is fluent, you can write:


$result = $sender
    ->registerProvider(new \My\Provider\Custom($adapter))
    ->send('0642424242', 'It\'s the answer.', 'Kévin');

The using() method allows you to choose the adapter to use. When you deal with multiple adapters, you may want to choose one of them. The default behavior is to use the first one but it can be annoying.

Extending Things

You can provide your own adapter, you just need to create a new class which implements HttpAdapterInterface.

You can also write your own provider by implementing the ProviderInterface.

Note, the AbstractProvider class can help you by providing useful features.

Unit Tests

To run unit tests, you’ll need a set of dependencies you can install by running the script:


Once installed, just launch the following command:


You’ll obtain some skipped unit tests due to the need of API keys.

Rename the phpunit.xml.dist file to phpunit.xml, then uncomment the following lines and add your own API keys:

    <!-- <server name="ESENDEX_API_USER" value="Your esendex user" /> -->
    <!-- <server name="ESENDEX_API_PASS" value="Your esendex password" /> -->
    <!-- <server name="ESENDEX_API_ACCOUNT" value="Your esendex account reference" /> -->

You’re done.


As this library is heavily inspired from willdurand’s Geocoder, he deserves a special mention in this README ;)



chSmsSender is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.